Jeremy Mains Family Assistance

Jeremy Mains has a rare and very agressive blood cancer. He has a lovely wife, Angela, and three small children. As you can imagine, without Jeremy’s breadwinning income, the financial needs are significant.

Jeremy has an unwavering eternal outlook like no other. He says that since his diagnosis, he has been “humbled to see an ocean of God's love” surround him and his family. Here is a link to an article about Jeremy written by a friend of the family.

Kids Can has so far raised, through generous gifts, over $2000 to assist the family with child care and other basic needs. We are still accepting gifts as the need is acute and on-going.

Gifts can be tiny or huge – every bit helps. There are two ways to give via credit or debit card:

1. Through a website set up by Jeremy's brother to keep a family blog that provides the latest news about Jeremy. There is a donate link there. Funds given there go directly to Jeremy's family and are not tax deductible.

2. Through Kids Can by going to the donate page on this site. Simply note the gift as "Jeremy". This is a 501c3 organization and donations here are 100% tax deductible.